Top 10+ Online Nutrition and Dietetics Courses From Us Universities

Top 10+ Online Nutrition and Dietetics Courses From Us Universities

Edited By Vivek Kumar | Updated on Mar 19, 2024 03:16 PM IST | #Agriculture, Nutrition and Food

In today's modern era, people are so preoccupied with their hectic lifestyles and they do not have time to focus on their health. Most people are aware that good nutrition and physical activity are essential for maintaining good health, which is why they prefer to hire nutritionists to assist them in adhering to a nutrition plan. With the increasing number of health issues worldwide, people have realised the importance of staying fit in recent years. This, in turn, has resulted in a significant demand for nutritionists and nutrition and dietetics courses.

Top 10+ Online Nutrition and Dietetics Courses From Us Universities
Top 10+ Online Nutrition and Dietetics Courses From Us Universities

If you want to make a career in the field of nutrition science, dietetics and public health, there are various short-term dietician and nutritionist courses online. These nutritionist courses and dietician courses provide you with an in-depth understanding of nutritional science. There are several universities and institutions worldwide that offer nutrition and dietetics courses. In this article, we will let you explore food nutrition and dietetics courses from US Universities, covering everything that can help you become a dietitian or a nutritionist.

Also Read: 16+ Awesome Courses on Nutrition for Aspiring Nutritionists to Check Right Now

10+ Online Nutrition and Dietetics Courses to Pursue

Course Name

Offered By


Child Nutrition and Cooking

Stanford University

1 month

Sports Nutrition

Lighthouse Academy

3 months

Healthy Practices - Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Community and Family Participation, Certificate

University of Colorado

8 hours

Lifestyle Medicine: Nutrition and Metabolic Syndrome

Harvard University


6-Week Plan for Healthy Eating

The Harvard University

2 weeks

CHEF Coaching Beyond the Basics

The Harvard University

1 month

Nutrition Science

Stanford University

8 weeks ( 8 to 10 hours per week)

Health and Wellness - Designing a Sustainable Nutrition Plan

Harvard University

2 months

Wageningen University & Research: Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients and OvernutritionWageningen University & Research9 weeks
Wageningen University & Research: Nutrition and Health: Human MicrobiomeWageningen University & Research6 weeks
Nutrition Communication for Health Professionals: Key conceptsThe University of Newcastle, Australia3 weeks
Nutrition Communication for Health Professionals: Applying skillsThe University of Newcastle, Australia3 weeks

Also Read: 16+ Paid Certifications for Learning Nutrition Online

Let us have a look at these online nutrition and dietetics courses in a detailed manner.

1. Child Nutrition and Cooking - This is one of the best nutrition short courses online offered by Coursera in partnership with Stanford University. The course analyses contemporary child nutrition and the impact of the individual decisions made by each family. Child Nutrition and Cooking involves 5 modules, helping participants to be the leading health providers, teachers, and parents.

Course Structure

  • Why Home Cooking Matters
  • What Constitutes a Balanced Meal?
  • From Supermarket to Dinner Table to School
  • Sustainable Eating
  • Labels, Allergies and Taste

2. Sports Nutrition - This is another one of the best nutrition and dietetics courses online in the field of sports offered by Lighthouse Academy. The course provides tips on how you can influence your students’ eating habits. The Sports Nutrition course involves specific examples of types of foods that students can eat to replenish their bodies between activities.

Course Structure

  • Review of General Nutrition Principals
  • Energy: Fuel Sources for the Working Muscle
  • Diagramming Carbohydrate from Mouth to Muscle
  • Overview of Exercise Metabolism
  • Carbohydrate Recommendations for Athletes
  • Protein Recommendations for Athletes

3. Healthy Practices - Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Community and Family Participation - This one of the short nutrition courses gives a comprehensive overlook of healthy practices in public schools in the USA, including physical activity and nutrition. Offered by Coursera in partnership with the University of Colorado System, this dietician and nutritionist course reviews the basics of some of the regulatory programs found in the United States that support healthy students through nutrition education and nutrition programs.

Course Structure

  • School Nutrition
  • Physical Activity
  • Home, Community, and Attendance
  • Healthy Eating and Active Living Programs in Action

4. Lifestyle Medicine: Nutrition and Metabolic Syndrome - Out of the many online short-term Nutrition and Dietetics courses, this is the best certified nutritionist course offered by Harvard University. This dietician and nutritionist course gives you the opportunity to explore evidence-based approaches and guidelines in the field of nutrition and behavior management using lifestyle modification techniques.

Course Structure

  • Case Presentation
  • Transtheoretical Stages of Change
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Resources and Referrals
  • Summary
  • CME Posttest

Also read - Top 10 Careers Options After Completing Food Technology Course

5. 6-Week Plan For Healthy Eating - This food nutrition and dietetics course will help you understand what are the components of a healthy diet and how we should consume them. Right from lunch to dinner, what are the best ways to boost your health with the help of the right nutrition plan? The course will help you to get the answers to these types of questions.

Course Structure

  • What makes a diet healthy?
  • Getting started on the 6-week plan
  • Boost your health at breakfast
  • A dinner makeover
  • Sensible snacking
  • Keep it going
  • Cooking Kickoff: Recipes for Success

6. CHEF Coaching Beyond the Basics - With this one of the best short courses in nutrition and dietetics, you will gain an in-depth understanding of culinary coaching, which is a proven strategy to improve nutrition. The CHEF Coaching Beyond the Basics course consists of five practice sessions in small groups. You can select the group during the registration process.

Course Structure

  • The Big Picture of Culinary Coaching
  • Cooking with Culinary Videos
  • Healthier Ingredients and Culinary Skills:
  • Action Steps - Weekly Culinary Goals
  • Improve Patient's Culinary Skills Using Recipes and Videos
  • Expand Home Cooking Through Kitchen Organization
  • Cooking Online With a Chef
  • Implement Live Remote Cooking
  • Adopting Home Cooking Habits
  • Saving Time in the Kitchen!
  • Integration
  • Implementation - Next Steps

7. Nutrition Science - This is amongst the best nutrition and dietetics courses online offered by Stanford University. This course is a great opportunity for students who wish to make a career in the nutritional field. With this dietician and nutritionist course, you will understand classes of nutrients, including the role of micronutrients and macronutrients in the body.

Course Structure

  • Nutrition guidelines: Science versus politics
  • The role of macronutrients: Carbohydrates
  • The role of macronutrients: Fats
  • The role of macronutrients: Proteins
  • Calorie balance in context
  • The role of micronutrients: Vitamins
  • The role of micronutrients: Minerals
  • Health, disease and nutrition

8. Health and Wellness - Designing a Sustainable Nutrition Plan - This one of the nutritionist courses teaches you to analyse the connection between a healthy lifestyle and its impact on disease and chronic conditions. Offered by Harvard University, the Health and Wellness - Designing a Sustainable Nutrition Plan course lets you recognise evidence-based guidelines for healthy eating patterns and explain why certain foods are health-promoting.

Course Structure

  • Behavioral Causes of Disease and Lifestyle Impact
  • Coaching and Influencing Others
  • Eating Patterns for Optimal Health
  • Empowering People to Adopt Healthy Eating Practices
  • Diet, Lifestyle and Disease - the Connection
  • Healthy Eating and Living through the Ages and Stages of Life
  • Applying Nutritional Concepts at the Individual Level
  • Assessing Nutritional and Lifestyle Needs to Develop a Plan

9. Wageningen University & Research: Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients and Overnutrition - This is one of the online courses for dieticians and nutritionists which will introduce you to the chemistry of the three macronutrients fat, carbohydrate, and protein. You will learn how macronutrients are absorbed, stored, and metabolized and how macronutrients may impact health.

Course Structure

  • Basic Principles
  • Carbohydrates
  • Carbohydrates and Health
  • Lipids
  • Lipids and Health
  • Proteins and Health
  • Energy homeostasis sand energy balance
  • Weight management
  • Nutrition and Sports

10. Wageningen University & Research: Nutrition and Health: Human Microbiome - This one of the short-term nutrition and dietetics courses teaches you how the human microbiome plays an important role in maintaining normal gut function. You will learn how the human microbiome plays role in digesting certain nutrients, early life development, behaviour and disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), obesity, and diabetes.

Course Structure

  • The human microbiome
  • Early life microbiota development
  • Microbiota and Ageing
  • Microbiota diet and disease
  • Microbial therapies and diagnostics
  • Applicability and societal impact

11. Nutrition Communication for Health Professionals: Key concepts - This amongst the best dietician and nutritionist courses introduces you to the key concepts central to dietary patterns for prevention and management of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This short term dietician course enables you to talk about diet-related health and identify the key features of healthy diets.

Course Structure

  • Nutrition, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease
  • Brief interventions and assessing dietary intake
  • Behaviour change counselling and communication

12. Nutrition Communication for Health Professionals: Applying skills - Offered by the University of Newcastle, Australia, this is one of the best online nutrition and dietetics courses. This food nutrition and dietetics course online equips you with the information and skills you need to convey evidence-based brief advice to your patients.

Course Structure

  • Behaviour Change – putting it into practice
  • Common Dietary Misconceptions
  • Referring for Medical Nutrition Therapy

Also Read: 12+ Must-Pursue Courses For Nutrition & Wellness from Coursera


As we all know, “health is wealth,” so a career after nutrition and dietetics courses will never be in vain. There are numerous opportunities available, such as Food Service Management, Public Policy, Food Safety, Government Regulations, Culinary Science, and more. However, in order to get a job in this field, you must have a degree and prior experience. While a BSc in nutrition and dietetics or a BSc in Food Science and Nutrition will qualify you for these positions, good food nutrition and dietetics courses will assist you in obtaining that job position. You can explore free nutrition courses online and gain relevant knowledge and understanding in the field.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is making a career in nutrition and dietetics sciences a good choice?

This is a field where you do not have to take much stress and you can do your job smoothly. Also, by opting for this field you are open to other development sectors where the demand for nutritionists is there.

2. What are the best short nutrition courses?

There are numerous best nutrition and dietetics courses online that you can pursue and enter the field of nutritional science. Some of the nutritionist courses include Stanford Center for Health Education, New Skills Academy – Intro to Sports Nutrition Certification, Nutrition & Diet Planning – Udemy, and International Certificate in Nutrition – Udemy, among others.

3. What are some roles and responsibilities of a nutritionist?

The roles and responsibilities of nutritionists and dieticians include advising on matters related to food and how it impacts health. Right from making food plans to implementing them for their clients, nutritionists have a great role to play in keeping their clients healthy.

4. Is hiring a nutritionist worth it?

Yes. Hiring nutritionists is worth it because they help you in maintaining a good food cycle. Also, maintaining a good relationship with your food is very important to lead a healthy life, and the nutritionists or the dieticians can help you a lot in this case. They will provide you with all the plans and diet charts. All that you need to do is to follow them sincerely.

5. What are some of the core subjects taught in a course related to nutritionists?

Some of the core subjects taught in a dietician and nutritionist course include Food Microbiology, Food Service Management, Human Physiology, Post-Harvest Technology, and more.

6. How can I improve my knowledge as a nutritionist?

Being a nutritionist definitely involves a lot of scientific knowledge but at the same time, there are certain skills that come to us with some experience. So, opting for certain online food courses specialized in the field of nutrition or dietetics can be a great idea because they will help you in understanding this sector in depth.

7. Are nutritionists online certification courses actually worth it?

Yes. It’s always advisable to opt for online certifications in the field of nutrition because it gives you an understanding of a specific field. A BSc in nutrition can help you know the overall subjects of nutrition but an online course will help you in gaining deep insights into particular topics.

8. Is the dietician a very hectic job profile?

No. Being a dietician is one of the least stressful career options out there. Sometimes it’s hard to make the client understand why certain nutrition elements have been added to their plan, but at the end of the day, the only focus of the nutritionists is to help their clients in maintaining good health by providing them with some good nutrition tips.


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